N. Harmonik

What planets have days that are longer than years and what would their calendars be like?


4 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

I don't know the answer ... But it reminded me of an article I heard on NPR the other week.

Seems the Earth used to have more days per year ... But the drag of the Moon is slowing down the rotation of the Earth.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Mercury faces the same side toward the sun at all times. This results in one rotation -a day- being equal to one revolution around the sun -a year.

In the case of Mercury,  this is 88 earth days.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

hmm not sure.

Joyce Hall Profile
Joyce Hall answered

That would depend on that particular planets length of years. From here, I don't think its possible.

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