Apple picking relates to the work we do in life, whatever that is. Apple picking is also done in the fall and is a symbol for the coming upon the last stages of life for a person. He is done with apple picking, almost done with his career, with life. His laddar points toward heaven. … Read more
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Anthropology as optional for UPSC
Anthropology optional is a social science not a biological science like history, Sociology, Economics & Political science which is one of the popular optional subjects in UPSC/IAS/PSC exam.
Anthropology is the study of man in totality including studying all kinds of societies and culture such as tribal and modern societies-their socio-culture institutions … Read more
Zoology is purely a science subject, emerged as a scoring optional in UPSC IAS Mains and Indian Forest Service Exam as well. Ideally, this subject cannot be taken by the students from any background. Aspirants must be a graduate in Zoology, Medicine, Botany, Life Science, Agriculture, Forestry etc. The students … Read more
SAPIENS IAS is one of the prominent Coaching institutes for UPSC Zoology Optional for Civil Services IAS Mains Exam. Zoology is a biological science, dealing with animal kingdom scientifically. SAPIENS IAS do not only teach the subject but make the students visualize about the subject-matter which is essential part of civil services preparation. Various scientific … Read more
Zoology Optional is a biological science, dealing with animal kingdom scientifically. It is one of the popular optional subjects in upsc/pcs exam. Which is highly scoring among science optional.
Zoology is the study of animals in a holistic manner. It studies position of species of animals in the animal kingdom, their roles and behaviors’ in ecosystem. … Read more
Anthropology Optional is a social science not a biological science like history, Sociology, Economics & Political science which is one of the popular optional subjects in UPSC/IAS/PSC exam.
Anthropology Optional is the study of man in totality including studying all kinds of societies and culture such as tribal and modern societies-their socio-culture institutions viz. Marriage, family, … Read more
Absolutely! Blood Moon's Fury by Leah Kingsley is gaining popularity. It's classified in the young adult fantasy romance genre and is the first book in the curse of the blood moon series.
Link to book on amazon: … Read more
I think that an internal conflict would be with the Beast. I think he was conflicting between allowing Belle to get close to him or pushing her away because of how hideous he was.
Also the most obvious conflict is between the villagers and the Beast. They see him as a threat so he has … Read more
Everything has to have r. Everything has to have rules, regulations and order or else it would be chaotic.
There are certain rules for writing. First, this is the availability of a specific topic or question that will be set out in the introduction. After that you need to form your thoughts on the problem in the form of brief theses. They must be supported by evidence, so after the thesis must be arguments. … Read more
It’s just a name. “Chronicles” just means an account of events in order of when they happened, and sometimes it’s used in fantasy story titles because it sounds cool. It depends on what the author wants to call their series.
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