Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang answered

I am sending back the old computer because a new one has arrived for home schooling my kids. I know everything attactched to my email will stay but will I lose everything on MicroSoft Word? How about pictures saved from phones or the internet? Will passwords be lost as well? I am trying to figure … Read more

Mark bill
Mark bill answered

Advantages of using adobe photoshop

- Simple to use.

- Allows you to enhance photos in one click.

- Apply various effects easily.

- Speeds up the editing process and saves time.

One of the disadvantages of Adobe Photoshop is the fact that the photo is not entirely real. Many people argue that photographers are 'faking it' and losing the … Read more

hasan sharker
hasan sharker answered

The largest fake limitation is the concept that computers cannot learn.A computer follows typical algorithms & logics to get your work done. A computer can tell you what is a human is; it can act as human but it cannot tell us that what it is like to be a human.

Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren answered Yin And Yang's question

Power supply, and or Heat sync.

Your power supply might be faulty . . . Usually a PC will shut itself off if the Heat sync/Fan are not working . . . Most times after about a few hours you can try again, but if the BIOS doesn't see the fan or Heat sync as "Working" … Read more

Brandy Thompson
Brandy Thompson answered

The office automation system also consists of handling data applications that are used for handling and creating documents, images, spreadsheets and files. Several kinds of word processing as well as desktop presentation packages are present which will allow in creating or even editing any data. At the same time, you can also find a few … Read more