Yes i agree with you. I believe politicians say anything than once they get voted in office than things change. We live in sad world and there is corrupted politicians all around. I doubt this world will ever change i believe were living in the last days before the second coming of Christ.
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It isn’t the function of the President to enact laws, it is his job to set policy. Laws are created and enacted by the Legislative branch, our fabulous Congress. The President can sign Executive actions/decrees which are less enforceable than an actual law, and can be undone by future Executive actions. Trump has himself reversed … Read more
To be eligible to vote in an election or a referendum, you have to be in the electoral roll. If you have queries on whether you are qualified, you need to contact your Electoral Registration Officer, and you can find their details by entering your postal code in Your Vote Matters. … Read more
While the call for Trump’s ouster is growing, sadly even if he were indicted tomorrow, the process to remove him from office would take a year or more.
Short of Trump voluntarily resigning (which we can figure his ego won’t permit), the only one who could remove him any faster is the Grim Reaper.
Anyone … Read more
Well Mueller obviously has something on someone. He has filed charges
If it's like all the other investigation nothing will come of it. It will be a total waste of taxpayers money.
The world is very small. You cannot no longer ignore your neighbor.
It tells me How some people can be so easily fooled.
I would diagnose Mr. Trump as a Misogynistic Narcissist with Sociopathic and Racists tendencies.
He treats women as objects, tends to discriminates against race, and feels the world SHOULD revolve around him while not showing any real empathy for those around him.
I reported Donald Trumps twitter for harassment and bullying and i did file a complaint with the California Attorney General still waiting to get report from them and i did file complaint with Twitters board of directors.
He's all three and more. His biggest problem is that he doesn't have a mouth filter.
He's better then Obama and Hillary. I like him. To each their own opinion Joyce.
Inept and untalented.
Its a mess only to become worse
I just can't see anyone on the horizon who would garner the majority of votes.