Wilson Dan
Wilson Dan answered

I would take advantage of the classifieds. Check out newspapers' classifieds sections. They still have sections about the job market.

Also take a look at classifieds websites. They have countless jobs.

A third option are classifieds search engines, that collect and list job ads from several pages. I had good experiences with askaloRead more

Bhawna Tripathi
Bhawna Tripathi answered Chewed Bubblegum's question

It’s really sad that you face lots of difficulty in finding a new job. This might happen due to the use of wrong resources. It is not hard to find a new opportunity or new vacancy for teenagers too if they use right resources for looking a new job. I suggest you to once apply … Read more

AnnNettie Paradise
AnnNettie Paradise answered

Well, there is the emotional impact of unemployment. As if the emotional toll were not enough, each person who joins the ranks of the unemployed faces the additional challenge of living on less. And

while looking for work, one need to cope with the mental and emotional anxiety caused by unemployment.


Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Kendra Fisk's question

I think this would be worth a consultation with a lawyer who specializes in labor issues.

The words "employment contract" come to mind.

The first consult is ussually free or at a minimal cost.

Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren answered Kendra Fisk's question

But you are employed, just not full time . . . So, did you lose any health benefits because of this?

I would say you need to start looking for full time employ . . . The unemployment rate is the lowest it's been for 8 years now, so strike while the iron is hot.

Otis Campbell
Otis Campbell answered Kendra Fisk's question

Every state has different laws and rules on employment. I have never heard of underemployment here in texas

Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun answered Andre Tate's question

In the US ... That is illegal.

Most states require they pay you within 30 days, or the next regular pay cycle.  Whichever comes first.

Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren answered

Well, if you are asking while he currently has his hand in your blouse . . . Then yeah, that could be an issue HR might want to know about.

However; if its just that they are asking you to do additional work . . . There might be a section in your job description … Read more

Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn answered Thomas Ramirez's question

Depending on your state, it doesn't matter how many hours you worked. They base your unemployment benefits by how much you earned over the last four quarters of a year that you worked. The more you earned, the better benefits you get. Matter not the hours.