KB Baldwin asked 10/31/2017 'm getting tired of the comics in my paper. What are good comic strips I can recommend to the editor?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 1/24/2016 Where do you read most of your on-line news and why do you like it?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 1/24/2016 Do you believe that newspapers will soon be a thing of the past?
Care Care asked 12/19/2015 Do you feel empathy, frustration, and desire to take action after reading the news?
otis otiscambell asked 11/1/2015 Why do all the news anchors and weather women on hispanic tv channels wear skimpy outfits? Is this how they get the ratings up?
Rooster Cogburn asked 9/13/2015 Have you noticed that over the years, the Sunday newspaper comics have just gotten worse and are hardly funny anymore? What happened to the Sunday comics?
Neeca Quer asked 7/4/2015 What can you say about the news where China is into the production of fake rice?
Megan goodgirl asked 6/28/2015 Why do cartoons characters were the same clothes and not different ones?
Rachel Reader asked 6/22/2015 Do you like the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson? It's my favorite
Cindy Lara asked 2/24/2014 I am a student photographer and want to get a press pass. Can anyone help me?