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Your word of the day is " elysium." Use it in a sentence. Expand your vocabulary, impress your friends and maybe leave them scratching their heads because you've acquired and now use a word they perhaps don't know.


4 Answers

Water Nebula Profile
Water Nebula answered

Elysium is like Valhalla but without magic armored angel ladies

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

If Elysium exists there are a lot of people who have earned their way in this past week rescuing those in Houston.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

The world may be crashing all around him, but he retreats to his own private Elysium in his mind.

KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

I failed my chemistry test because I thought Elysuim was an element, 

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