Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn answered

Hierarchical: The sites (nodes) are logically connected in a hierarchical structure (such as a tree). A site can detect deadlock in its descendants. This type ofalgorithm has the best of both the centralized and the distributed deadlock detection algorithms.

Control Organization for Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithms

ly fen chen
ly fen chen answered

"au" it's a preposition of place, it depends on the context, so it can means : At, and to.

Example : Je vais au cinéma ce soir. = I am going to cinema tonight. And J'arrive au marché très tard = I arrive at the market very late.

ly fen chen
ly fen chen answered Anonymous' question

"La" can be a pronoun and an article as "the" but is female, as in French there are female and male article.

Example : J'aime bien la rose que tu me l'as offerte. = I like the rose which you offered to me. So the word "la" in this sentence, it can either be an article … Read more

ly fen chen
ly fen chen answered

It depends in the seasons, as there are 4 seasons in some countries, so if in France, the sun goes down at 5pm in Fall or Winter, but in Spring or Summer it goes down late, for about at 9 or 10pm.

Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou answered Kezhia Takara's question

Dear Kezhia,

I had a lovely time looking up your name, and I think I found something for you...

The name is from India, and it actually has a double derivation. In Hebrew it means most beautiful woman, kind-hearted and hospitable. However the name also derives from Lord Krishna, who was known as Keshava.

Here is a link … Read more