Yin And Yang

What is a silly (dumb) law in your state? (Hint: look up "Dumb laws" and look for your state. Might even get your city to! Lol!)


7 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

In California animals are banned from matting publically with in 1,500 feet of a tavern, school or place of worship! πŸ˜…

"I'm sorry Spike but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop until I get out my ruler and see how far you are from the bar. Sorry ol' Pal. It's the law"


In Fresno California one may not annoy a lizard in the city park! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Oh boy! We better stay out of Fresno! What happens if our bearded dragons decided to get jiggy with it in a city park which is too close to a school and... you know... telling our lizards to stop matting just might cross over the line of annoying the lizard! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Β 

Ray  Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

Until 1976 is was a legal requirement for all 4-wheeled vehicles to carry a bale of hay in England. Needless to say, no-one complied. Until 1960 it was a legal requirement for everyone over the age of 18 to be "competent in the use of a longbow". When this law was enacted, it was expected that the French would try to invade at any moment, and it is the only time in English history that the government of the day deliberately placed the most effective weapons (and the means of rebellion) in the hands of the general population. That is some level of trust. The only other country in the world where this has happened is Switzerland, where all adult males (up to a certain age) are required to train in the use of a rifle and to keep a rifle and 10 rounds. See how I managed to change the subject?

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

Illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket if it’s Sunday.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

In California, it is illegal for a woman to drive a car in a housecoat.Β  In my city, it is illegal for a boss to be alone in a room with a secretary.Β 

4 People thanked the writer.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
WOW! Yes I read the housecoat one! πŸ˜† I almost put it to. πŸ˜…
Now a days the second one... is probably sound advice! πŸ˜•
Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered

Wow! These are so funny! I can somehow understand the logic
behind some of them but others are just beyond my comprehension. What baffles
me is that what triggered the implementation of these laws. What happened that
singing in the bath tub got banned? It might be interesting to find out.

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

Apparently there is a law in Tennessee that "more than 8 women may not live in the same house because that would constitute a brothel."

I know some sorority houses that are breaking the law xD

4 People thanked the writer.
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
That's funny! I almost put this one for California to... except in California the number is 16 women in one house. LOL! I wonder why the change in numbers? πŸ˜…

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