Meow Meow
Meow Meow thanked Anonymous' answer

I agree with Corey and Refreshme. Have him initially choose bad and have him see the error in his ways and eventually turn "good". Then you can enhance your story.

Meow Meow
Meow Meow commented on Firstname Refreshme lastname's answer
Do Both in what way exactly, I did have in mind doing a book stile where the reader chooses for the character, but that's a lot more difficult than expected, lol.
Meow Meow
Meow Meow answered Ancient Hippy's question

This is easy if freaking ride mine every where I went and if anyone told me my elephant wasn't allowed if just walk write past them because what are they gonna do to and elephant? If they try to tranquilizer or shoot my elephant I will protect him!!

Meow Meow
Meow Meow thanked Anonymous' answer

Okay . . . Here goes the confessional.

Once when I was 12, we had the biggest snowball battle on a "Snow Day" that I can remember. I had been carefully constructing the perfect Ice Ball within my fort (Hard outer shell of ice with soft snow middle), when all of a sudden everyone … Read more