Roy Roy

Who would you want to narrate your life?


11 Answers

Aldrich Ames Profile
Aldrich Ames answered

Morgan Freeman, obviously.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

It would take a George Carlin to make my vanilla lifestyle interesting. The guy was brilliant.

Stormy-Lynn Calvert Profile

Oh oh oh, I choose Josh Groban to narrate my life. That would be awesome!! :D

Ross Allen Profile
Ross Allen answered

Michael Caine.

7 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Oh, yeah. I didn't give him a thought. I can imagine the subtle humour he'd bring to this kind of task. Good choice!
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

James Earl Jones

I want some gravitas.

5 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Gravitas wouldn't work for me. One of my friends said that if I try to be serious it's about as natural as a dog standing on its hind legs. I'd better stick with George.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I have been told occasionally that I should have been a comedian; but on the off chance someone might actually listen to what I have to say and then act on it, I tend to respond seriously as a first approximation.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
And yes, George was a classic.

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