Anonymous answered

Go on a 15 minute walking program that could help you out.. I was given this advice from a Christian fitness instructor that's the only way your going to be able to make things work for you. Best Wishes

Ritu Parkar
Ritu Parkar answered

Cancer is the leading disease all over the world. All those medical science have made great progress in the biology of cancer cells, and they have already been able to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. But instead of just waiting for a new discovery for cancer prevention, you can do a lot to … Read more

stan joe
stan joe answered

This will mainly depend on your mental situation, most of these cases are result of wrong thinking and less confidence about performance. There are many ways to control it, you can try exercises and various techniques to delay it. 
For techniques visit - This Website

star gazing
star gazing answered Anonymous' question

1) yes, buy new underwear to start with.

2) sounds like it might be a behind-problem, and there’s stick-on pads for that so you don’t get anything on your underwear. You just toss them every few hours, put a new one on.

3) if it’s not that, get a bidet attachment so you can clean yourself … Read more

Ancient One
Ancient One answered Joyce Hall's question

I got mine a couple months ago. Interesting and scary for me, I went to a clinic because I had one of my annual sinus infections. They, the doctors and nurses went into "professional panic mode". That was trhe scary part. Evidently during the past three weeks they have seen, treated and moved three patients … Read more

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Joyce Hall's question

I have not. I have allergies, not related to the shot, but the environment. I will not get the shot when my body has an already stressed immune system. This year are winter has been mostly warm so my allergies have been particularly bad. So no flu shot for me this year. I am retired … Read more