ly fen chen
ly fen chen answered

As a human being, it's natural that we have some weak points, so mine are : Impatience, I can't do somethings for a long time, I lack of perseverance. My another one is : Being lazy, I can't achieve what I think of doing it. Always keep them aside or wait for doing them other … Read more

otis campbell
otis campbell answered Wulliam Williamsport's question

these days you can be arrested for anything but not convicted. Your job will more than likely see a arrest but doesnt know if you were convicted or not. I would be upfront honest at any job. I have a bunch of misdimeanors. The cops here in tx will slap resisting arrest charges on you … Read more

Cookie Roma
Cookie Roma answered Anonymous' question

I suppose that would depend upon how important personal integrity is to you. 

Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka answered Anonymous' question

Yes, you can lie. Yes, they will eventually find out.

Lies on a resume will eventually affect your future employment. 

Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy answered Anonymous' question

Lying about anything will eventually catch up to you.

Cindy  Lou
Cindy Lou answered Anonymous' question

It's a legal requirement you put your legal name on your paperwork. However, I have seen it done this way:

James Alan ("goes by" Keith) Smith

You have to put the words "goes by" in quotes. You have to write it exactly like I have it with the parenthesis too.

But it's better in the end to … Read more

Cookie Roma
Cookie Roma answered Anonymous' question

On your employment paperwork you use your legal name.  Then you can tell people at work the name by which you prefer to be addressed. 

Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka answered Anonymous' question

I always followed Happy's advice.

And as I introduce myself.  First and last name. If its ok people call me _______. Thank you.

HappyTo BeHereTo
HappyTo BeHereTo answered Anonymous' question

Good for you! I always wrote my legal name on the forms.

First Name:  HappyTwo  Last Name:  BeHereTwo

If a place for your preferred name isn't provided, you can write it parenthetically.

First Name:  HappyTwo (Happy)  Last Name:  BeHereTwo

or just verbally introduce yourself that way. 

Good luck!!!