Badal Verma
Badal Verma answered

Like Vikas said, if you are only looking for investment then you can invest in the properties being constructed or else you should invest in the projects which have already been delivered.

Yes, MVL is a good company and their townships are amazing and specially The coral which has recently been delivered.

Check their site … Read more

Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren answered Anonymous' question

How someone chooses to use their bodies should be part of their liberty, as long as it does not infringe upon another individual's liberty.

If one can make a living providing the comfort, companionship and intimacy to another, then I say have at it and regulate for health reasons. Like anything else, the "Health code" … Read more

Tinkerbell St. Basil
Tinkerbell St. Basil answered otis campbell's question

People need to STOP believing that ALL police officers shoot poor, unarmed, innocent people all the time. Sure, they're are a few renegades, but overall,  they are a decent, law-abiding group trying to serve and protect.  More often than not, these scumbags ARE criminals and not only have guns themselves,  but aren't afraid to use … Read more

Cameron Robertson
Cameron Robertson answered

I think that it's the people and the experiences as much as the things that go into a building that transforms the place. There has to be a feeling associated with a home - a sense of belonging and familiarity and that takes time and effort to create. It's the emotions that are vested into … Read more

Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch answered

If this were me, I would ask the daughter about the boyfriend and if he intends to come get his stuff and when. If she is still talking to him, tell her that he has 30 days to come get his stuff. Otherwise it's going in the trash.

If he's an actual tenant, the following … Read more

Retiredkop Retiredkop
Retiredkop Retiredkop answered Anonymous' question

In Colorado it is, it would fall under the criminal intent statute.  If it was committed by one or more persons, the others could be cited for Complicity to the act! 

Bikergirl Anonymous
Bikergirl Anonymous answered

That's far too diverse of a question to even answer with a yes or no.

Fixer uppers involve a number of levels of risk.  There are many things one needs to depend on to lower risk .. Like expertise on evaluating what would be needed to produce a favourable end product (for example). Even the most … Read more