Otis Campbell

what's the differance between stuffing and dressing? Is it just how it is cooked?


7 Answers

crf rgrtbrtbgrgb Profile

I've always thought as stuffing and dressing as the same thing.. In the UK, im postive they call it dressing while in North America, its called stuffing.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Bwahahahahahaha!!!!! Stuffing is bird related and dressing goes on the salad! 😆😅😂😂

Yin thinking she will answer a cooking question!!!!!

I banned myself from the kitchen again this morning.... Long story.

Maurice Korvo Profile
Maurice Korvo answered

There was once. Stuffing cooked in the turkey, dressing cooked on the side (stove).  In the South, people did not like the term "Stuffing" and just used "Dressing". Then, naturally, someone came along with "Stove Top Stuffing" and the terms got totally mixed up.  In most cases now both words are used for both preparation methods.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

At my house, it's stuffing .... Cooked inside the turkey.  Yum!

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

I always thought they meant the same thing. I think it's a matter of where your from on what you call it. In my family, it's always been called Dressing.

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

It's dressing if cooked in the oven.

Stuffing if stuffed inside that turkey.

Both are usually made with the same ingredients.

I prefer dressing!! That's what we are having.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Personally, I just point at the bowl that I want passed to me that contains "the very thing we are presently discussing."

The one glaring technical difference I found between the two is how they're cooked. According to most dictionaries, stuffing is defined as "a mixture used to stuff another food, traditionally poultry, before cooking." Whereas dressing is cooked in a pan outside of the turkey cavity. Like I said above, the two common terms are used interchangeably depending on where you live, but if you want to get into the nitty gritty of factual accuracy to prove your way is the right way to your second cousins, the important thing to remember is that stuffing is stuffed inside of an animal before cooking (makes sense) and dressing is simply stuffed into your mouth from a separate dish. And we could go back and forth on whether using cornbread as opposed to a loaf of bread has anything to do with what the dish should be called (I've witnessed this argument play out more than once), but really, the starch is just a matter of preference and has no actual bearing on the title.


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