Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou answered Jann Nikka's question

Dear Jan,

No I should not, and I think prisons are one of our great concerns...

"More than 1.5 million people are now in U.S. State and federal prisons, up from 196,429 in 1970, the report said."

Especially targeted are minorities and the poor, and "Women represent the fastest-growing segment of the prison population, the report said."

"At currentRead more

Tinkerbell St. Basil
Tinkerbell St. Basil answered otis campbell's question

People need to STOP believing that ALL police officers shoot poor, unarmed, innocent people all the time. Sure, they're are a few renegades, but overall,  they are a decent, law-abiding group trying to serve and protect.  More often than not, these scumbags ARE criminals and not only have guns themselves,  but aren't afraid to use … Read more

Retiredkop Retiredkop
Retiredkop Retiredkop answered Anonymous' question

In Colorado it is, it would fall under the criminal intent statute.  If it was committed by one or more persons, the others could be cited for Complicity to the act! 

Arthur Wright
Arthur Wright answered Anonymous' question

The biggest crime here would be attempted rape or attempted sexual assault and both would be hard to prove in a court of Law and most likely would be thrown out for insufficient evidence. The first thing that would have to be proven and it almost impossible without an actual crime happening would be INTENT … Read more

Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Anonymous' question

If you try to kill someone and succeed, that's murder.

If you try to kill someone and don't succeed you don't get off Scot free just because he ducked when you shot him.

I think attempted also carries some penalties also.

But I'm going to guess that slipping you a drug constitutes some form of battery at a … Read more

Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka answered Anonymous' question


IMO, if someone temps to bodily harm you or do something illegal, immoral, unethical, drug you, attempt to rape, molest, harm or physical hurt you, in any way whether or not they succeed, it's a crime.