PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Joseph James' question

Your body needs carbs to function. It is what fuels your body. Just stay away from the "white" carbs. Things like breads, potatoes and rice. Load up on fresh or frozen veggies and some fruit. Nuts, eggs and shellfish are proteins. Eat lean meats and legumes instead of those.

Wesley Crusher
Wesley Crusher answered Anonymous' question

Does it? I only find this to be the case with my friends who don't know how to cook. I'm into fitness as a hobby so I eat about 2500 calories a day. Eating "healthy" is also subjective. A slice of pizza can be "healthy"  (carbs, fats, proteins, micro nutrients) but it's 700 calories of … Read more

Darik Majoren

It WAS -

Grilled Salmon with Soy-Teriyaki and honey Marinade, Brown Rice and Steamed Broccoli. With an Cold Molson Ice to wash it down . . . Then fore desert, some Soy Vanilla Trader Joe's Ice Cream with a little bit of Hershey's Chocolate syrup and a table spoon of Crunchy organic Peanut butter.