Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean commented on star gazing's answer
well we've gone on vacation together... I see him every few weeks. People think he likes me too, but because of our lack of recent contact, among other things, I doubt this.
Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean commented on PJ Stein's answer
Don't you think they'll perceive it as weird? Idk I figured they might think it's strange that I suddenly want the videos now
Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean commented on Toni Pauze's answer
Well I have. i have had many conversations with this person. however, as a shy person I can't flat out ask him. I've asked him to do things with me before, so we've hung out but I haven't told him I like him or something like that. It's hard because I get SERIOUS mixed signals … Read more
Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean commented on Yin And Yang's answer
There's a word count on here so I asked a similar question here with more information, but I get it's still hard to get a perspective on
Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean commented on Yin And Yang's answer
Well thank you for understanding. I usually go anonymous because I ask a lot of questions about guys. This is simply because I'm a girl in high school, just trying to figure stuff out. The last thing I need is people poking fun at me for being "guy obsessed," when in reality I just have … Read more
Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean thanked Lilly Gray's answer

Maybe he didn't get your text, or maybe he enjoys talking to you and had no idea how to respond. Just keep talking to him on Snapchat, maybe build a better relationship with him and maybe organise to see him face to face so you can ask properly then?? Hope it goes well!! <3

Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean thanked Tom Jackson's answer

Is it possible he didn't get your text?---mine sometimes don't show up until months later.  Or perhaps you did not get his response.

I'd bring up the subject again.  If you don't get a response this time, I say he's not interested in pursuing a diffferent type of relationship with you at this time.

Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean thanked Jazlyn Bell's answer

Maybe it is you romanticising a relationship with him.? You can never know a persons true feelings through actions.

If the age difference is huge, then maybe he is treating you as his little sister. Though, if age isn't much of a difference, then only time can tell. Let the relationship play out, romantic or … Read more

Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean commented on PJ Stein's answer
I have talked to my friends about it, I've honestly been a lot better. We went to a therapist for my eating disorder earlier this year and it just made things a thousand times worse. I wish it wasn't like that, I hate having to worry about whether what I'm telling people hurts them or … Read more
Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean thanked PJ Stein's answer

Well if it has been almost a year, I think you have a fair point for not going now. You say you would rather talk to your mom, so are you actually talking to her? Come clean and tell her what is going on and what went on.

For what it is worth, talking to … Read more

Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean thanked KB Baldwin's answer

I was in the Navy and away for two years, with only occasional visits home.  We wrote a lot of letters.  Just celebrated our 50th anniversity.  /

Sapphire  Ocean
Sapphire Ocean thanked Bikergirl Anonymous' answer

Well, I guess you would have to ask anyone who has a loved one in the military .. They too endure and sacrifice willingly. If you are not so willing .. Then,  in your instance the answer is "nope".