Hi I'm Lisa

how do you deal with stress?


12 Answers

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Back in the day I had a very stressful job for a couple of years. It was enough to make anybody tear their hair out, which may explain my present tonsorial splendour.

I had an hour for lunch from 1 to 2 o'clock and I spent the whole time walking. The more stressful the morning the faster I walked and the further i went. By the time I got back all the stress was gone and it was like starting the day all over again.

Exercise -- in this case, walking -- does it for me.

Zack -  Mr. GenXer Profile

I don't. I went mental trying to deal with stress.

Water Nebula Profile
Water Nebula answered

I either suck it up and deal with it or try to reason down my emotions before giving up and just not do anything. I don't think I have healthy coping methods

KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

I dumped the stressful job As I used to say I unwillingly did the unnecessary for the ungrateful.  Then adopted the "What, me worry" attitude, and finally retired.  Now I have to stress about is the occasional  varmint* destroying my shabby little yard. 

* a generic term to include gophers, voles, skunks, raccoon, wild turkeys, rabbits, deer and undoubtedly others I haven't discovered yet.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I like to play a video game or a mobile game. It gives me a temporary escape and when I return, the problem doesn't seem as bad. Otherwise, I like to listen to something more soothing. For example,

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Ahhh.....stress! Unfortunately, I have a lot of it, most of which happens to be at my job, no way around that...believe me I've tried! So, I try to find a moment to get off the floor and away from doctors, patients and coworkers if even just to take a deep breath....unfortunately the only time that happens is when I have to pee!

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I play with my pups or take a walk, preferably in the woods or on the beach. Or I vent to my hubby and swear like a drunken sailor when I do so.

Sven Verhaeghe Profile
Sven Verhaeghe answered

I rarely experience stress in my life.

My best method for reducing stress

  • Immediately and experience less stress in the future:
    • Meditation
    • Reading about the brain (how stress works)
  • Immediately
    • The green herb
    • Writing your thoughts down. Keep writing for approx 20 minutes without a filter. This works as brushing your teeth for the brain. 
    • Video games (sometimes)
    • Music
    • Sex
    • Walking
    • Running (sports in general)

Also depends why you have stress. It's important to ask the "Why" is it because you have to do something and you didn't do it, best way to avoid it is:

    • Take action and do the things you have to do
    • Convince yourself with enough logic why it isn't important to stress about
Hope this helps this are just my personal opinions and experiences.

ly fen chen Profile
ly fen chen answered

Firstly, I told  myself, I have to be in positive thinking, being calm and feeling free to work or trying to relax myself for not working etc. The main is trying to control myself when I am stressful, as we can't do the work well when we are in stress.

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