Bikergirl Anonymous
Bikergirl Anonymous answered Anonymous' question

You should approach this by calling your boyfriend and telling him you no longer want a commited relationship .. Because obviously you don't. 

"Trying" is still CHEATING!  If you are even remotely considering it .. You are too young and illequipped to handle a commited relationship .. Period.

Bikergirl Anonymous
Bikergirl Anonymous answered

I would  concentrate on just being yourself and allowing her to see who you are as a person .. Mind you it would also be advisable to curb your tendency to display undesirable behavior. Don't concentrate so much on "making her your girlfriend" .. If you can cultivate some level of trust .. Then and … Read more

Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka answered Anonymous' question

You will forever change your relationship for the worst. You can never ever undo your sneaking around, lying, backstabbing, willful deceit and unloving, uncaring, YOU.

You're on the path of the "Dark Side" and the "Force" is definitely not within you.

Put on the complete suit of Truth and Trust. Move back to Faithfulness.

Bikergirl Anonymous
Bikergirl Anonymous answered

Concentrate on your long term goals .. School and education will provide you employability .. Keep focused on what is important .. And count your blessings

Pepper pot
Pepper pot answered Anonymous' question

Honestly, the first time often isn't as it's portrayed, and can be far removed from the movie depiction.  Firstly, you are extremely vulnerable both physically and emotionally, and it can be awkward. This is why you should wait until you are at least above the age of consent, mature enough to realise the implications and … Read more

Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang answered Anonymous' question

Feeling like you are missing out on something or to "just get it over with" is NO reason to have sex! You are far too immature to even think of having sex with that mentality! Save yourself till you are more grown up.

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Anonymous' question

It is not bad at all. Your virginity is not something to be given up because you think you are missing out on something. It should be given to someone that you love and that loves you back. It is an incredibly intimate thing to share, so it is not something you want to just … Read more