sherlin smith
sherlin smith answered Anonymous' question

  • Cheque issued but not presented for payment: When cheque are issued then immediately make entry in the cash book. The cheque issued can be presented for payment to the bank within six month from the date of cheque as per banking law. The cheque are presented for payment after the expiry of the above period … Read more

Didge Doo
Didge Doo answered Theodore Putnam's question

You won't get a publisher to touch it but you can do it yourself with virtually no cost by using Create Space (an Amazon subsidiary). They do a nice job on them.

The only expense I had was the cover design which can be done very cheaply and is worth the cost.

Check … Read more

Soul Fly
Soul Fly answered Theodore Putnam's question

A buddy of mine just published his own. However,  he connected with an online distributor that only prints copies when hey are ordered, and so it didnt cost him anything besides small fee per book that is sold. I dont have the company name but hopefully this will get you in the right direction.

dragonfly forty-six
dragonfly forty-six answered Corey The Goofyhawk's question

Well it would depend on which is stronger, the magic or the force. I don't know how to measure that. So which one is cooler? They both are. Cooler weapons? They both have cool stuff. Well Corey, I can't decide.

Here is something that I wanted to share with you though. I thought it was cool.

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Levi F.
Levi F. answered N. Harmonik's question

It happens a lot in comedies because writers think the character is only funny when that trait is present. So they emphasize it more, then it becomes exaggerated, then it completely consumes the character, often to the point that it ruins the character and ceases to be funny.