Call me Z
Call me Z answered Toxic Hairball's question

I can encompass all of these with three words:

Man's misplaced priorities.

As the only creature to ever exist on this planet with the ability of self-determination, we humans are destroying the planet in the name of stubbornness and greed; crippling our societies in the name of belief and vanity; and killing each other en … Read more

Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Anonymous' question

I do not like to analyze literature.  I had to do more than I ever wanted to in school.  And while I have read Poe, I don't remember anything about the Gothic Movement you mention.

But, without even logging in to this link, I could write an above average essay answering this question by reading the … Read more

Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou answered Steve En's question

Dear Steve En,

If your thesis is at more of a high school level, then I would say YES. However if this would be a master's or doctoral thesis, then I might look for a different approach to the topic...

As I look through the Internet, it does seem quite well documented that Muslims were in fact … Read more

Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn answered Tory Thompson's question

Here you go. Check this all out.

Why is Jacques Cartier important?

French navigator Jacques Cartier was born on December 31, 1491, in Saint-Malo, Brittany, France, and was sent by King Francis I to the New World in search of riches and a new route to Asia in 1534. His exploration of the St. Lawrence River allowed … Read more
Didge Doo
Didge Doo answered Austin Jones' question

During the late 1930s FDR worked with Churchill (who was not yet the British prime minister) to try to minimise the threat from Nazi Germany. This he did in the face of much opposition for Americans, reasonably, wanted to keep out of any European war. (FDR was smart enough to know that Germany's ambitions would … Read more

Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou answered Austin Jones' question

Dear Austin Jones,

The more I learn about FDR, yes I am stunned by his greatness. I traveled the river road along the Hudson once, stopped at his home... A museum now, where the life-and-death decisions he faced are documented. Yes signing the 1935 neutrality act was skillful political maneuvering, behind the scenes he was helping … Read more

Call me Z
Call me Z answered Austin Jones' question

"Fireside Chats".

FDR was the first US President to utilize the media --the radio-- to present his thoughts and programs directly to millions of listeners. Roosevelt was a gifted communicator. His "chats" redefined the relationship between the Presidency and the American people.