Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch answered otis otiscambell's question

Another update: He and his mother are fighting extradition to the United States. Have you seen his new photo? His mom made him color his golden blond locks black so he wouldn't be easy to spot. Ha. What did them in, you ask? Domino's pizza order. Karma, baby.

John McCann
John McCann answered HelpStop AnimalAbuse's question

I see a lot of barbarism expressed on this answer and it is a good thing we live in a country of laws, not men.

Some pedophiles are in protective custody and in some states they have there own prisons. California comes to mind. 

We have law for a reason and there is a reason the law … Read more

Didge Doo
Didge Doo answered HelpStop AnimalAbuse's question

As loathsome as paedophiles are, it's not humanely possibly to hand them over to the justice of the mob. If we do that, why not dispense with the trial altogether and just lynch them?

As practical as it sounds -- for they will never be safe to turn loose in the community -- we can't … Read more

Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun answered HelpStop AnimalAbuse's question

If you don't follow the firearms debates in America, you wouldn't know that California (where the shooting happened) already has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. And yet, these people were able to stock thousands of rounds of ammunition and build numerous pipe bombs.

Also, contrary to what you may hear from some … Read more

Natalie Holeman
Natalie Holeman answered Syed Kamran's question

I think there are victim-less crimes.

Prostitution when not forced and if properly regulated by the state to ensure the health of the prostitute.  Yes, it can potentially spread STDs but so can casual sex or serial monogamy.  Yes, there is potential for disrupting families but there is equal disruption from adultery, financial problems, workaholics, working … Read more

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Anonymous' question

No, they do not have the time and resources for that. With that said I suggest you quit stealing, no matter where you are.

You may think you are stealing from a big company, but the reality is that company has to recoup that money from somewhere. That somewhere is from those who pay for … Read more

Cookie Roma
Cookie Roma answered Anonymous' question

Of course you can.  Say you shop lift at a mall.  They know someone has stolen merchandise but don't know who.  They go to the CCTV.  See you shoplifting.  They are somehow able to identify you (perhaps cameras showed you go to a car.  They run the license plate.).  They clearly would have good evidence … Read more

Soul Fly
Soul Fly answered Anonymous' question

No. They will usually only research what's in question.

But you better believe your face is going up on a wall and the video will be posted for public view as well as your criminal record.

Doesn't seem like much until you are later in life and applying for jobs or an apartment for rent. … Read more

Didge Doo
Didge Doo answered Rooster Cogburn's question

It's a good question. We just don't know.

I saw the video of his car being blasted but unless there was a spotter on the ground it may be just an optimistic guess. Sharon's comment that ISIS would probably parade him around if he was still alive may be on the mark, but there could … Read more

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered spunky monkey's question

I have worked retail and in banking. I was always instructed to give them the money and get them out as quickly as possible. You most likely aren't talking just about your own safety, but that of customers' as well. For me the same would be true if it were my own business.

Bikergirl Anonymous
Bikergirl Anonymous answered spunky monkey's question

I believe that is what is suggested when someone is armed and attempting to rob you.  THAT is exactly why most retail stores limit the amount of cash in their tills to reduce that kind of loss.  They will work with a minimum amount in the till, and make several withdrawls during a shift to … Read more