Call me Z
Call me Z answered Joyce Hall's question

Its too late. Trump has been a narcissistic jerk his entire life. At 70, change is not a credible expectation for him.

If we wanna take baby steps- stop tweeting. Close the Twitter account.

“Its better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”. 

Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren answered Joyce Hall's question

If The "Donald" wants to be a "Decent Human Being" the advice I have for him is to LEAVE OFFICE and vacate Washington to let an actual leader step in . . . Oh and he needs to pack Pence up in his suitcase and take him out of there as well . . .

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered zack leon's question

We used a pillow case. After I was too old to trick or treat, I remember a grocery store using bags with jack-o-lanterns for kids to use and they got free advertising. It's a shame stores don't still do that.

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Call me Z's question

They will wonder why we failed to grow and record our lives from about this point on. Everything had been so well documented for the last few hundred years, and then it trickled to a stop. Since everything is going digital, and it is well into the future, power sources will no longer be functioning, … Read more

Retiredkop Retiredkop
Retiredkop Retiredkop answered Call me Z's question

In the beginning our Species hand common sense, integrity, honesty, and were loyal to God and country! We could entertain ourselves with the simplist things!

Were became a species that lacked common sense, integrity, honestly,and were only loyal to themselves and the dollar almighty!  Went must be intertained by nothing but the most expensive of toys … Read more