Deleted Account
Deleted Account answered

Search online for reviews of people who have used the website. This can be done simply by searching "Super.PK reviews" If you can't find any reviews, Be warned. This could be a dangerous website. Trust no reviews that are in the website, and take more than one review into consideration.

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Jann Nikka's question

Call for police, and an ambulance if needed.  Get some pictures and if no one is seriously injured move the vehicles off the road as far as possible. Try to remain calm.

Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren answered Anonymous' question

How someone chooses to use their bodies should be part of their liberty, as long as it does not infringe upon another individual's liberty.

If one can make a living providing the comfort, companionship and intimacy to another, then I say have at it and regulate for health reasons. Like anything else, the "Health code" … Read more

Bikergirl Anonymous
Bikergirl Anonymous answered Prithi Ganduri's question

There are other forms of acceptible identification .. Like a birth certificate or drivers licence, or even a passport.  Find out what forms of ID they will accept.