PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered Megan goodgirl's question

Always! Life throws many curves, it is fun to see where we will end up. This year we have another baby due in the next 5-6 weeks. My husband and I have another trip planned for our anniversary next month. Plus I am getting ready to plan another multistate long trip. Let the fun begin!

Firstname Refreshme lastname
Firstname Refreshme lastname answered Otis Campbell's question

I make an awesome fruitcake but the fruit additions take 30 days and alot of daily stirring. Tastes a little boozy and is quite expensive to make taking alot of nuts 18 eggs and a whole bunch of pudding-in-the-mix cake mixes.

Perhaps next year.

Alihusen Momin
Alihusen Momin answered

World Parenting Day – WPD is a global initiative to create awareness about the importance of Early Childhood Development among parents and the citizens of the world.

By celebrating World Parenting Day, we want to spread awareness and let parents know that by investing your time in your child’s parenting, you are … Read more

Perry Nuttal
Perry Nuttal answered Taylor Brookes' question

The bible says Shepherds were watching their flocks by night, well sheep would not be out grazing in December, so yes Christmas was used to covert the pagan holiday saturnalia,Β  or the birth of sol invictus the unconquered sun.

Perry Nuttal
Perry Nuttal answered Joyce Hall's question

The State of Israel is an ideology, many orthodox Jews will tell you it is not Torah driven. The State of Israel came about from the Balfour declaration.Β  The trouble Trump caused was because Palestinians share Jerusalem with Jews. However, because the british did not make boundaries clear the Jews havetaken more than the marked … Read more

Call me Z
Call me Z answered Joyce Hall's question

Joyce, all of the main functions of the Israeli Gov’t, the Knesset, the PM’s residence, and principal govt departments are located in Jerusalem. Have been for years.

The problem is (surprise!) religion. The pitiful Palestinians (Muslims who, for lack of a better description, are a conquered people) still proclaim Jerusalem as the capital of their … Read more

carlos Striker
carlos Striker answered Taylor Brookes' question

Most celebrations were stemmed out of a dumb notions and made into festivities. An opportunists saw money in it and commercialised it.