Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered

Adding a Vine to your Blurtit answer is pretty simple.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Find a Vine video that you like:

2. Hover over the 3 "dots" on the top-right corner of the Vine. You'll see a menu with sharing options - select "embed"

3. This will launch an embed … Read more

Blurt It
Blurt It answered Dan Banks' question

Getting started on Blurtit is pretty simple.

So you've created a profile, now it's time to ask or answer questions!

1. Asking

You can dive right in by hitting the "ask" icon on the top of the page and typing in a new question:

2. Answering

If you feel like sharing some knowledge and helping people out, … Read more

Blurt It
Blurt It answered Dan Banks' question

Getting started on Blurtit is pretty simple.

So you've created a profile, now it's time to ask or answer questions!

1. Asking

You can dive right in by hitting the "ask" icon on the top of the page and typing in a new question:

2. Answering

If you feel like sharing some knowledge and helping people out, … Read more

Nikki Ridgerider
Nikki Ridgerider answered Dan Banks' question

Uhm...I'm pretty sure you've just asked one. But, nonetheless, there is a button at the top of the page that says "Ask." It also has a speech bubble next to it. Then, after you're done typing, you click the topics, and you click the other button. That doesn't help much....But I don't have a lovely … Read more

Adila Adila
Adila Adila answered Yo Kass' question

Would need to be more user 'friendly' because I for one get really agitated with all these different buttons on mobile apps, mobile apps are for on the go and therefore need to be straight to the point with their service! I personally think we need to have our own 'personalised' blurtit pages, where we … Read more

Andrew Neal
Andrew Neal answered Yo Kass' question

Having a chat service would be quite useful, but having the core of BlurtIt not in the app would just make it useless. We are competing with other services; such as Yahoo! Answers, Quora, and Ask.com.

I'd look at the interface of both Quora and Yahoo! Answers and get inspired to use a clean interface … Read more

Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered Anonymous' question

For now, the only way is to contact an admin like myself.

You can either message me on here, or you can email me a link to the question to [email protected] 

I don't have a timescale for when the ability to delete your own questions will become a feature, but as soon as that happensRead more

Jessica Hall
Jessica Hall answered Yo Kass' question

Well for me I just click on topics and just scroll through recent ones. But if you are wanting to answer a question on a specific topic then chose your topics to answer.

I don't think that really made much sense sorry xx

Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered

So usually when I look for questions to answer, I have a look through my home feed to see if there's anyone I know that needs help with a question.

Most of the people I'm following on Blurtit are "answerers" rather than "askers" though, so my home feed usually contains quite a few interesting answers … Read more

Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered

I realize there has been some frustration about Blurtit asking people to connect with social accounts, but unfortunately it is a very necessary requirement.

The reality of the internet is that there are a lot of trolls and spammers out there.

Asking people to connect with a social media profile has been very effective in reducing and … Read more

Mike J
Mike J answered

If you had a Blurtit in the past, I might know you (as weird as it sounds, I was friends with a lot of people here, so maybe we've talked before). And YES, you can log back into your old account (thanks to Kass Yassin he helped me recover my old account and that's the … Read more

Dan Banks
Dan Banks answered Yo Kass' question

Inserting images and videos into your answers will really make them stand out from the crowd, and can make them much more helpful.

Luckily it's really easy to do this on Blurtit.

How do I insert an image into my answer?

There are three ways to upload images, these are:

  1. Click on the picture … Read more

Dan Banks
Dan Banks answered Yo Kass' question

There are numerous points to consider when writing answers on Blurtit:

The most important thing to remember, is to try and get your point across as soon as you can. Any additional information you have should be provided after.

How do I write helpful answers on Blurtit?

Yo Kass
Yo Kass answered Dan Banks' question

How to ask questions on Blurtit:

Watch this tutorial video

Asking a question on Blurtit is simple:

1. Hit the 'ask' icon on the top of the page

2. We recommend you take into consideration three things whilst typing your question:

  • That your question is well-written and clear
  • That your question is helpful to as many … Read more